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What are Signs of Colon Cancer & Causes

What are Signs of Colon Cancer

What Are Signs Of Colon Cancer – Cancer is among the deadliest diseases in the world. Even though there are treatment options available for cancer, the Quality of life and life expectancy of Most cancer patients is going to hamper.

The reason behind low-quality life and lower life expectancy is the treatment itself. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are very hard to handle at the advanced stage of life. Most people get diagnosed with cancer when they are in their 50s or 60s.

At that advanced age, not many people have the strength to bear the treatment and handle the surgeries. One of the best things a person can do to ensure safety against any kind of cancer, including colon cancer, is to learn everything about it and start screening as early as possible.

In order to get diagnosed with colon cancer, you have to visit a health professional, but we will discuss a few signs of colon cancer which can help you be detected as early as possible. 

One of the major benefits of detecting colon cancer as early as possible is that the treatment options for early detection are very easy. 

If you are able to find cancer at the first stage, then you might not have to go through any surgery, and your doctor can remove cancer using colonoscopy or endoscopy.

Early Signs of Colon Cancer

Let’s first discuss the early signs of colon cancer. Kindly remember even though you are experiencing early signs of colon cancer, this doesn’t mean that you have colon cancer.

Most early signs and exact symptoms of colon cancer are also associated with several other diseases. Kindly consult with your doctor and get yourself screened.

Change in Bowel Movement

The first sign every person suffering from colon cancer experiences is a change in their bowel movement. Every person has a near to fixed bowel movement habit, and Colon cancer can interrupt it. 

Apart from that, you might also experience diarrhea or Constipation during colon cancer. A lot of people suffering from colon cancer have reported to doctors that they are experiencing diarrhea and Constipation more frequently than ever before. It is possible that you might experience diarrhea one day and Constipation the next day.

At the same time, you might also experience a change in the consistency of your stool. It is also among the most common and early signs of colon cancer. 

Even though you are advised to keep an eye on all of these symptoms, do not self-diagnose based on these early symptoms. Always consult with a health professional.

Bleeding and Blood in Stool

The next major but early sign of colon cancer is rectal bleeding or blood in the stool. Both of the signs are very common, and most people are suffering from colon cancer are going to experience both of these symptoms.

The rectal bleeding will be clearly visible, but the blood in the stool might not be easy to spot. If you are experiencing blood in your stool, then the color of your stool will go dark brown or black, depending on the amount of blood.

A lot of people misunderstand bleeding caused by hemorrhoids with colon cancer. Before you self-diagnose yourself with colon cancer, we will suggest you consult with a professional or learn more about hemorrhoids.

Stomach Pain

Along with the bleeding and diarrhea, you might also experience stomach pain during colon cancer. It is also among the most common and early signs of colon cancer. Along with the stomach pain, you might also experience cramping. 

Usually, stomach pain and cramping will go away on their own without any medication, and they can also come back without any reason. The intensity of stomach pain and cramping might increase as soon as you start eating anything. You should be very careful if you are experiencing these symptoms.

At the same time, gas and bloating are also going to be very common for the person struggling with colon cancer. The intensity of gas and bloating might imitate the symptoms of a heart attack. 

Unwanted Weight Loss

Due to constant cramping, stomach pain, Diarrhea, and Constipation, you might not be able to eat enough, and you start losing weight. Colon cancer is known to cause an expected or unwanted weight loss. Some symptoms of colon cancer, such as constant urge to go to the toilet, gas, and bloating, do not allow you to eat enough food. All of this can result in unexpected weight loss.

Weakness and Fatigue

Lastly, you might experience weakness and fatigue, as these are one of the most common symptoms of colon cancer or any other type of cancer. If you are experiencing colon cancer, then you might not be able to work as you used to. You might not be able to walk or stand for a few minutes.

Your work productivity and life quality are surely going to hamper due to weakness and fatigue caused by colon cancer. Only weakness and fatigue are not signs or symptoms of colon cancer. You should always consult with your doctor.

Causes of Colon Cancer

Before we wrap this session, let’s talk about the causes of colon cancer. Even though doctors are not sure why people experience colon cancer, there are some risk factors that can influence or increase the chances of colon cancer.

What are Signs of Colon Cancer
What are Signs of Colon Cancer

Old Age

Everyone in this world is vulnerable at an older age to get cancer, either it’s colon cancer or any other type. Most of the people who get diagnosed with colon cancer are older than age 50. 

Even though anyone in this world can get diagnosed with colon cancer at any stage of life, the statistics are pointing to a higher risk of colon cancer after the age of 50.


Your ethnicity or race might also influence the chances of getting colon cancer even at an early stage of your life. As per the statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African American people are more vulnerable to getting colon cancer than any other race. 

Family History

There is a possibility that you might experience colon cancer if anyone in your family was ever diagnosed with the same. The one thing you should make sure that in the family history, a person must be a blood relative to consider as a family history. Some uncle or aunt married to your family members is not going to be counted as a blood relative.

Apart from that, some gene mutations passed through generations of certain families also increase the risk of colon cancer. You should be very careful if anyone in your family was ever diagnosed with colon cancer.


Your diet can also influence the chances of getting colon cancer. Somebody searchers have concluded that a low fiber, high-fat diet can also impact your chances of getting colon cancer. A low fiber diet is a typical western diet due to being heavily influenced by fast food items. 

Apart from that, some researchers also claimed that a diet high in red meat and processed meat could also increase your chances. To be on the safer side, we suggest everyone go with a balanced diet.


In recent years, several researchers have concluded that people who are obese or about to fall in the category of a piece are higher chances of getting several kinds of diseases, including colon cancer. Even though anyone can get colon cancer, obese people have more chances as compared to any person with a normal weight. You should also focus on losing weight if you are experiencing any other list of cancer and you are obese.

Lifestyle Choices

Lastly, several lifestyle choices can also influence your chances of getting colon cancer. Not doing regular exercise and not following a good diet plan can increase your chances of getting colon cancer. At the same time, people suffering from diabetes or insulin resistance are also at higher risk of getting colon cancer.

Heavy use of alcoholic beverages along with smoking can also increase your chances of getting colon cancer. You should try to control your habits as they can influence most diseases in the body, including cancer. 

Even though you fall in the high-risk category or your life choices are bad, it doesn’t mean that you are going to get colon cancer no matter what. If you have any doubt after taking a look at the early signs or symptoms of colon cancer, then you should consult with your doctor rather than self-diagnose.

Can I prevent colon cancer?

It is not possible to prevent colon cancer, but you can always lower your chances of getting it. You can start by changing your lifestyle. First of all, you should limit your alcohol consumption and smoking. After that, you can focus on your diet and good exercise plan. If you fall in the high-risk category, then screening for cancer as early as possible can help you detect it at the early stages when treatment is very easy.

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